The Rock Church

Faithful and Faithless

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by Josh Whitney

The Book of Acts (Chapter 12), shows us how faithful and faithless people respond to the storms and trials of life. If you remember in Acts, the early church in Jerusalem was growing like a weed. About that same time, King Herod decided to persecute the church. First, he murdered James and then he arrested Peter. He most likely planned to kill Peter, too. I love Acts 12:5, “So Peter was kept in prison, but earnest prayer for him was made to God by the church.”

Imagine the first century church in Jerusalem. One of their pastors had just been killed and another pastor had been arrested. It said the church made earnest prayer for Peter. That was the response of a faithful person. A major, discouraging trial hit the church and they started earnestly praying. When life hits you with a big, discouraging trial, do you pray? What is your first reaction?

Well, you know what happened. Peter was sleeping between two guards, bound in chains with other guards at the locked door. Doesn’t matter! God answered their prayers and sent an angel in to rescue Peter. He miraculously led Peter to freedom!

The next morning, when the guards woke up, it says there was no small disturbance. That’s an understatement. Multiple guards with public enemy number one chained between them — and he escapes?! Ludicrous! When King Herod heard about that, he questioned the guards himself and had them executed. That was the response of a faithless person. “There is no way Peter escaped miraculously! These guards released him and they are lying to me, so they must die.”

People of faith pray when life hits them with storms and trials. Faithless people refuse to see God’s hand in life and so they react differently.



Posted in A Word from the Pastor