The Rock Church


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Strengthening A Word by Pastor Steve McInroy of the Roch Church Utah

“Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope by grace, comfort and strengthen your hearts in every good work and word.” — 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

I recently went on a retreat with some of the Draper pastors and deacons. It was a much-needed opportunity for us to get strengthened in the Lord. We were able to get away from the noise and busyness of day-to-day life. I’ve found that when we make time to simply focus on the One who gave us life, He always comes through with comfort and strength.

This year has been a season of change for all of us at The Rock Church. I am convinced the Lord has us in a season of strengthening. I appreciate what one of my brothers shared during our time away. He said he felt like he had been taking daily sips of water for nourishment during a very full season of ministry. But, he realized that he was simply “maintaining” spiritually rather than drinking on a deeper level.

His words reminded me of something I was encouraged to do as a young believer. I was inspired to have consistent D.A.W.G. (Day Alone With God) days. This was an uninterrupted time for just the Lord and me. I would engage with Jesus on whatever life was throwing me at that time. I honestly feel as though I maintain a pretty good walk with the Lord. I also realize there is so much more I could pursue in my relationship with Him. I tend to leave way too much spiritual water in the glass by not drinking deeply on a consistent basis.

I’ve decided to reinstitute this important practice of getting at least a four-hour D.A.W.G day, on a quarterly basis. When I drink deeply, then my cup overflows into all other aspects of my life. It also overflows into all the people I’m with. The Lord always strengthens me for the task at hand for when I am weak He shows Himself strong!

I invite any of you to carve out some time in your schedule for a D.A.W.G. day. Fight for your relationship with Jesus. Drink deeply of the living water only He can provide (and do it on a consistent basis).

Thirsty for more,


Posted in A Word from the Pastor