The Rock Church

The Dash

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The Dash A Word from Pastor Tony D'Amico

Death is interesting. It is the only thing we are guaranteed after we are born. We are not guaranteed a good life, a lot of money, success, or happiness. The only thing we know is that at some point in our lives, we’ll die. It’s good to talk about death and take some time to process it.

Death can come at unexpected times. It’s never something that we plan the date or time for. It’s not something that we put on our to-do list when we wake up in the morning. The date, the time, the way, is all unexpected. It comes like a thief in the night.

We can do many things to try and delay it — eating healthy, wearing seat belts, avoiding certain activities. No matter what, however, it will still happen to each one of us. We know that. So, what do we do with the time that we have on this earth?

When we write out a date, we typically have a starting date and an ending date. There is a separation between those two dates — it’s typically written down as a dash of some sort. That dash is where our life is lived. It is where our story is written. It is where the depth of our lives happens.

During the time of that little dash, we learn how to walk, to talk, to ride a bike, experience love, experience heartache, joy, fear, regret, and so much more. We experience all of the life that shapes us as a person. That dash represents so much more than a divider of dates.

A dash is short. Even when we are speaking about a race, we use the word dash as something quick. That is like our lives — fast and fleeting! Death can come at any moment.

How would you like to be remembered when you are gone? As one who was kind? As one who took care of others? As one who loved Jesus? The Psalmist wrote, “Man is like a breath; his days are like a passing shadow.” — Psalm 144:4. How we live our lives will impact those around us (for both good bad) for all eternity. Our lives go by so quickly. We need to use them in a way that will affect eternity.

Today, as you are going through your day, take a second to ponder what your life looks like. Take a minute and tell people that you love them. Tell people who don’t know about Jesus that He loves them and longs for a relationship with them! Make your dash count.

Learning to live life —


Posted in A Word from the Pastor