The Rock Church

Called by Name

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Called by Name

We don’t know a lot about Bezalel. He isn’t one of the main Bible characters that we think about and he isn’t often taught about in church. I imagine he was a seemingly average guy to most people and that is what intrigues me about God’s incredible call on his life.

After Israel was set free from Egypt and the Lord was instructing Moses (we are told about this in Exodus 35:30b-33), we read — “See, the Lord has called by name Bezalel… and he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, with intelligence, with knowledge, and with all craftsmanship, to devise artistic designs, to work in gold and silver and bronze, in cutting stones for setting, and in carving wood, for work in every skilled craft.” The Lord called Bezalel by name to build the Altar, the Ark of the Covenant, and all other sorts of beautiful artifacts that were crucially important to the Jews.

Christian, how has the Lord called you? What skill has He given you? What talent has He filled you with? Where has He placed you? God has called you by name and given you a job to do. Maybe it’s being a mother or father, maybe a manager, or a forklift operator, or a doctor, or even a designer or architect? The point is, God has given you the skill and the ability to do something amazing, big or small, heroic or even mundane.

Like Bezalel, you are called by name to be a follower of Christ and to impact His Kingdom. Today, this week, and in all you do, work with skill, work with diligence, work with integrity, work with pride. In that way, the Spirit of God will shine through you to an unbelieving and dying world.

You may never know the full extent of the impact you have on others. But, the Lord has called you to your post and He sees it all.

Called by Name,


Posted in A Word from the Pastor