The Rock Church

Tag Archive: great commission

  1. Pray for our Croatia Mission Team

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    A team of 18 from The Rock Church is headed to Croatia to provide childcare for missionary families attending the GCE conference. Please pray for this time.

    Over the next week, a team of 18 from The Rock is headed to Croatia to provide childcare for missionary families attending the GCE conference. Additionally, at the conference, our very own Bill Young is speaking about Heaven. And, the beloved Wisch family will be in attendance.

    Please pray for this time. Pray for traveling mercies for the TRC team and European missionaries. Pray for the missionaries and their families to be encouraged and refreshed during their retreat. And pray for much fruit in the global mission field to come from this time. Thank you for praying!

    Keep up with the TRC team’s activities in Croatia by following their blog.

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  2. “The Kingdom Calling” Series

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    "The Kingdom Calling" A new series at The Rock Church in Draper, Utah. Jesus has called His Followers to a meaningful purpose and mission for this life. It’s a life-changing, global perspective that has been entrusted to all Christians.

    An Inspiring, New Series at The Rock Church

    What is the purpose of the Christian life? What has Jesus saved us for? As Believers, are we simply biding our time on this earth until we get to heaven …? Or, could there be a higher calling on our lives — a kingdom calling? We believe there is.


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  3. GCC Newsletter

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    GCC newsletter

    The Rock Churches in Utah are blessed to be a associated relationally with of a larger family of churches around the country and world. As believers in Jesus Christ we have been forgiven and transformed by the grace of God.


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  4. GCC Newsletter

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    GCC newsletter

    The Rock Churches in Utah are blessed to be a associated relationally with of a larger family of churches around the country and world. As believers in Jesus Christ we have been forgiven and transformed by the grace of God.


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