The Rock Church


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Prepared, a word from pastor Bill Young

“See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared.” — Exodus 23:20 (NIV)

I read this verse last week in my quiet time. What an exciting visual — God’s angels leading the way to a place Jesus has prepared for our church. I have been claiming this verse for a “home of our own” — our own Sandy/Draper facility — since 2006. It was encouraging to read my notes from years past regarding this special promise that God gave me. Here are a few things I wrote in the margins of my Bible next to this verse:

  • “God will prepare, protect, and provide us with a building at the proper time” (not dated)
  • “Promise for Sandy building” (February 6, 2008)
  • “Ditto” (February 6, 2013)
  • “Got Land Disturbance permit February 5, 2014!”

Wow! Getting our own building has indeed been a dream for a long time. We know it will bring legitimacy, stability, and opportunity like never before. This influence will translate into more salvations, baptisms, and changed lives!

It’s hard to believe that the dream is quickly becoming a reality. Since last week, the excavators have been on our property changing the landscape, leveling earth, burying power line conduit and rapidly preparing us to begin building a home of our own! God is so good!

I just want to take this time to thank God, and all of you who have prayed, given sacrificially, and worked so hard to make this facility a reality. God will honor your labors of love and your faith. Many lives will be changed, challenged, and forever influenced because of you.

Finally, I want to encourage you to attend our official Groundbreaking Ceremony scheduled for Sunday, March 2 from 2:00-3:00p.m. at the Draper property. It’s our opportunity to officially kick off what will prove to be one of the most exciting chapters in the history of The Rock Church. God’s angels are going before us to prepare this place — won’t you join us as well?



Posted in A Word from the Pastor, Roots