The Rock Church


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Parents — your children are SO BLESSED TO HAVE YOU! They are so blessed!

I went on a walk to stretch my legs and breathe some fresh air. It just so happened that it was also the time when many kids were getting off the bus after school. The tree-lined street was filled with children running to their respective homes.

This made me think of my kids. I thought about how quickly the time really has flown since they were born. The day is fast approaching when they will walk by themselves (without me or my wife next to them). That thought was both sad and encouraging to me. It was sad because they grow too fast but it was also encouraging because I know they are being equipped and loved every day as they grow.

I thought of how many of the children I saw were possibly going home to less than ideal home situations. Perhaps some of their homes were like houses labeled as pending in real estate, where uncertainty looms and the question often arises: “what does it mean when a house is pending?” It might mean waiting for a decision that could either stabilize or disrupt the household further. This uncertainty could echo in the lives of these children, whether their homes were filled with neglect, lots of yelling, or worse. To be fair, it is equally true that many of those kids may have had stable home environments.

But, here’s what I know for certain — I know my home.

In His grace, God has seen fit to entrust Kim and me with three precious lives. What an incredible responsibility to be a parent. What an incredible privilege. Each day I feel like I am reminded anew how hard, amazing, and wonderful it is to hear the word “Dad.” Because of this, I do not take my joy or responsibility of parenting lightly.

So, I KNOW my home.

  • I know what my kiddos are hearing from my wife and me.
  • I know what my kiddos are hearing from each other.
  • I know what they are watching and playing and whom they are playing with.
  • I know they hear ALL THE TIME the words: “I love you, I love you, I love you!”
  • I know they hear ALL THE TIME the word: “NO”.
  • I know they are learning how to laugh and play and work.
  • I know they are learning how to love by our love for them.
  • I know they are learning how to trust and rest.
  • I know they are learning about Jesus and His Word, His love, and His salvation.
  • I know they are learning about family.
  • I know they are learning about responsibility.
  • I know they are learning about the world around them and are learning truth about this world.
  • I know they are learning about what’s important and what’s not so important.
  • I know they are learning how to pray and sing and what faith is.
  • I know they are learning how to love their neighbor.

What a blessing to KNOW your own home.

Each day, we have precious hours to make our homes havens for these little people. Our houses become forts and playgrounds — they also become our “churches” and “schools” and “hospitals” for them. What an amazing privilege to know your home.

Every time you say “yes” to wrestling or “no” to a movie…. you are giving them so much. Every time you squeeze your little baby or wake up in the middle of the night for “the late night feeding” you are teaching them trust. Every time you have “coffee at my house so the kids can nap” with your friends, you are showing them you care. Every time you sit down for dinner as a family, every time you celebrate a birthday, every time you sign them up for soccer, every time you take them to church, every time you organize a “play date”…. you are blessing your kiddos beyond measure.

For the better part of 18 years (at least), you are providing not just a house, but also a home for your children. What an awesome time to fill your home with good things… to fill your kids with good things. It is true that I don’t know what is happening in the lives of “all the other kids” around me or what is in their homes. But I DO know what is happening with my kids and I know what is happening in my home.

Today, I want you to tell your kids (no matter how old or young they are)…. “YOU ARE SO BLESSED TO HAVE ME AS YOUR DAD/MOM.” Almost every day I tell my kids, “God must have really loved me to give you to me, and He must really love you to give me to you!”

Your kids are so blessed to have you! They are SO BLESSED! You guys are heroes!

I am praying for you all the time, parents. You are involved with the greatest work of your life.

With you,


Posted in A Word from the Pastor, Parenting