The Rock Church


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Sickness, a Word by Pastor Bill Young of The Rock Church, a non-denominational christian church, in Salt Lake City Draper Utah
“The Lord sustains them on their sickbed and restores them from their bed of illness.” — Psalm 41:3
Evidently “Tis the season… to be sick!” I’ve heard of a lot of people being hit with the crud these past few months – including some of our pastors. 
I thought I had dodged a bullet. But, I ended up going “down” hard and have been battling the bug for the past few weeks. It started with drainage and cold symptoms. Then on to feeling yucky and massive runny nose. Finally, a sinus and ear infection (with dizziness that made me throw up, just for kicks)! After two rounds of antibiotics, I’m starting to feel better.  

I’m reminded of a time (years ago) when most everyone in my family started getting sick at the same time. Our youngest son, Timothy, was a little jealous of the attention the sickies were receiving from our Florence Nightingale wife/mom, Mary. He even commented, “I wish I was sick.” We all said, “Oh, no you don’t!”  Guess what happened? Yep, Timothy threw up the next night and in the morning was wishing he WASN’T sick!
Needless to say, sickness is not fun. But, there are some things we can learn from it if we can see past the pile of Kleenex. Here are a few “lessons” I’m learning as the remaining antibiotics course through my veins:
1. God loves me no matter what. Even when I need to rest and can’t “work” for him.
2. I am not irreplaceable. Even when I’m sick, God continues to work.
3. It’s good to be in a church family. Many people were praying and concerned (thank you).
4. Having a wife/mother who loves you is an incredible blessing!
5. God’s grace is sufficient. I learned that as I prepared my messages and taught while feeling awful and weak.
Being sick is like being attacked. It says in Psalms 31:21 (NIV), “Praise be to the LORD, for he showed his wonderful love to me when I was in a besieged city.” Isn’t it good to know that no matter how lousy we may feel, God’s “wonderful love” is available to us?

Thanking God for health and His love,

Posted in A Word from the Pastor