The Rock Church

Something to Think About

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Something to Think About, a Word by Pastor Bryan D. Edwards of The Rock Church, a non-denominational christian church, in Salt Lake City Draper Utah

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” — Philippians 4:8

The Apostle Paul reminded the Philippians that it was a good thing for them to regularly think about the things that would inspire worship and thankfulness to God. I wanted to remind us of that, too!

Recently, as I read this verse, I thought about our church family. My mind has been filled with much joy and thankfulness because of all that God is doing through our lives. Let me give you a few examples from just this past weekend.

For over an hour after the service on Saturday night, I watched anywhere from 15-20 little kiddos running around and chasing each other on the lawn. I saw even more adults standing by — laughing and enjoying each other’s company as the sun went down. 

On Sunday after the services, the Sanctuary was full of people gathering together to make plans for the afternoon. I then saw cars, full of friends, heading over to the local coffee shop or restaurant to continue on in fellowship and community. God is doing a really special thing in the lives of the men, women, and children of our church. I hope you see it, too!

It all brings me back to what Paul said in Philippians. When my mind is absorbed with the things that are pure and lovely (thinking about His church specifically) my heart is filled with joy and thankfulness! What God is doing in your life (through His church) really is a true, lovely, and commendable thing to think about.

What else have you seen God do in your life that is worthy of praise? From your family to your faith? From your daily work to your daily worship? Where do you see God’s hand of blessing in your life?

I want to encourage you today to find some time and reflect on those things. Take a moment to think about what is pure and lovely in your life. Then, respond to God with praise and thanksgiving. It will bless you.

Just something to think about,


Posted in A Word from the Pastor