The Rock Church

Steps of Good

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Steps of Good, a word by Pastor Tony D'Amico of The Rock Church, a non-denominational christian church, in Salt Lake City Draper Utah

“How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!” – Romans 10:15b

I recently came across this verse in a study I’m doing with my Small Group. It really challenged me because I saw it from a new and different perspective.

I’ve always thought about this verse in terms of evangelism or being on mission. I’ve never thought about it in terms of my everyday life. It caused me to ask myself some questions: “How do people perceive me when I walk into the room?”, “What do my kids think when they hear the sound of my footsteps walking into the house?”, “When they hear the sound of my feet, do they run and hide because they think I’ll be mad at them for making a mess or are they excited because I am going to tickle them?” What about my wife, my friends, and with those who I work with? When they hear my steps, what do they think I’m bringing? Is it good or is it strife?

Jesus wants us to show His love to those all around us — we can be ones who bring the Good News in all situations! The challenge, however, is how are you perceived when people hear your steps? Does your love for Jesus resonate or is it something else? Are you known to emulate Christ no matter what the situation? Of course, we all have bad days and situations in life that might not seem “good”. But, the Good News of Jesus Christ never changes and as we share that, people will know the joy we have because Jesus Christ is in our life!

Think about this throughout the week…are you a messenger of Good News?

Striving to bring Good News –


Posted in A Word from the Pastor