The Rock Church

Thank You!

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I want to give a heartfelt thank you to everyone who volunteered and participated in our Missions Gala. It was a huge success in so many ways. Not only did we reach our goal of raising over $20,000 (specifically for our missions), but God went above and beyond our expectations. He revealed Himself in so many ways — both in and through the people of The Rock Church.

I have been thinking about and meditating on this verse a lot lately. I saw it in action during the preparation for and participation in our Missions Gala. 

“But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere.” — 2 Corinthians 2:14

Amen! Thanks need to go to God; He always leads us! What a tremendous comfort this Truth brings. We have a Father who is always involved in everything we do. Ready to lead us into anything and everything. I love the word picture I get when I think of a triumphal procession — a victory parade, really. I want to march in that parade, holding the flag of Jesus up high!

Being able to highlight our Cares Ministries and mission initiatives during the Missions Gala was such a fabulous reminder. A reminder that God has led us in the past and He is leading us now. As I looked around the room last Friday night, I witnessed my brothers and sisters in the Lord, excitedly talking about missions and boasting in the name of Jesus.

Honestly, it doesn’t get any better than that for me. We are so blessed to be living out our faith here in Utah; we have such an incredible mix of people. God has brought them from many different backgrounds and put us together as the body of Christ at The Rock Church. I believe that through us God is spreading the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ. Everywhere. 

When God moves through His people, there is an undeniable, Christ-like fragrance. It’s like no other. It’s absolutely captivating and unstoppable. It changes lives. Our lives. Everyone’s lives. I am so thankful to play even a minute part in what God is doing.

Join me in thanking God for always leading us!


Posted in A Word from the Pastor