The Rock Church

Dads: Plead, Encourage, Urge

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Dads: Plead, Encourage, Urge - a word by pastor Steele Croswhite from The Rock Church in Draper ,Utah. Dads, we must be men who teach, instruct, urge, encourage, protect, remind and help position them in humility before OUR Father — together.

“And you know that we treated each of you as a father treats his own children. We pleaded with you, encouraged you, and urged you to live your lives in a way that God would consider worthy. For he called you to share in his Kingdom and glory.” — 1 Thessalonians 2:11-12

A father can treat his children in many different ways. He can become many things to them: a servant, a teacher, a friend, or sadly, a harsh authoritarian. In these verses, we see not only the heart of a good pastor from the Apostle Paul, but also the aim of a Godly dad. 

Here we see a picture of a father pleadingencouraging, and urging his children to live life in a way that honors God as children who share in His Kingdom and glory. 

Hardwired in me, as a dad myself, is a Godly desire to physically provide for my kids. I want them to live in a safe house, in a safe neighborhood and have all that they need to grow and play. 

Though this is a very important aspect of being a dad, it is not enough. 

When we look to our Heavenly Father, He does not simply stop at our provision. No, He is much closer to us than that — we should be that way to our children as well. 

As these verses challenged me, they may challenge you fathers as well. Dads, are you encouraging your kids in their Godly habits? Are you pleading with them to understand the holiness and love of God? Are you pleading for them to the Lord? Are you urging them along in their small steps of faith as they grow in their understanding of God? Are you reminding them that they are called by God to “share in His glory”?

What a task! How daunting it can be! We need the Holy Spirit’s help. We need our Lord to guide us. Praise God He does just that. 

Dads, we must stand in the line between our kids and the world around them. We must become a person in their lives who not only ensures their physical provision and playful past times, but also, we must be men who teach, instruct, urge, encourage, protect, remind and help position them in humility before OUR Father — together. 

This week, dads, do one thing to “urge or encourage” your kids in the faith. Perhaps this means praying out loud with them or asking them who they think God is? Maybe it’s joining the Memory Madness program and memorizing verses alongside of them? It could simply mean reading your Bible at the breakfast table and sharing an encouraging verse. 

Over time, your kids will see you as an oak of righteousness. They will see you as “true blue” — a dad who cares about providing for all areas of his children’s lives. Including their spiritual life. 

Yes, you might fail at times. I know I have (too many to count). But, God is gracious and dusts us off and calls us to keep at it

Brothers, no matter how young or how old your children may be, it’s never too early or too late to start. Why not start pleading, encouraging and urging your kids on toward Christ today?! 

Encouraged by MY father in heaven along with you,


Posted in A Word from the Pastor