The Rock Church


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Fire – a word by Pastor Billy Johnson from The Rock Church in Draper, UT.  "You could say we were literally distracted from the world, because right across the street from our house, a neighbor’s tree was on fire!"

A few days ago, my wife Ashley and I were sitting in our living room while I played the guitar and she sang some worship songs. It was refreshing and encouraging. You could say we were literally distracted from the world, because right across the street from our house, a neighbor’s tree was on fire! 

By the time we finally noticed the fire, there were people (from up and down the street) with fire extinguishers and a hose, spraying down the tree. Less than a minute later, two fire engines and an ambulance pulled up with lights flashing and firefighters ready to do their jobs. 

Afterward, we talked to some of the neighbors as the fire department left. I realized how easy it is for me to get distracted with the troubles of this world and to lose my main focus, which should be Jesus and His Kingdom. At first, I felt like I missed some action! Then, I felt like a bad neighbor for not being there to help put the fire out. However, it came to me that loving my neighbor as myself is the second best thing to do.

The first and greatest commandment is to love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul and mind (Matthew 22:37-39).

Those few moments served as a reminder to me that when the world is burning down around me, I want to have my eyes on Jesus. If I’m not loving my neighbor, let it only be because I’m worshiping God. 

What will Jesus find you doing when He comes back? If He doesn’t find you loving God with all your heart, soul and mind will you be found loving and serving your neighbor? If you’re not found doing either of those things, what will He find you doing? 

Accidentally ignoring fires,


Posted in A Word from the Pastor