The Rock Church

Three Lessons Learned from Giving

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Three Lessons Learned from Giving – a word by Pastor Tony D'Amico from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "By giving to others, by investing in their lives (their needs), we build relationships with them. In turn, we learn to love in a very Jesus-like way."

From my title, I’ll bet some of you are thinking this is going to be about tithing, aren’t you? It’s funny what comes to our minds when our hearts are pricked just a little. By the way, it’s not about tithing, so please keep reading.

In Acts, Paul writes to the leaders in Ephesus and ends with this verse:

“’In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” — Acts 20:35

We all love to receive gifts, don’t we? Whether they are physical or financial, it’s just in our nature. We love it when things come our way, we get excited about it. It’s pretty easy for most people to receive a gift. However, Jesus, said something different to us. He said, “it’s better to give than receive.” Paul used those words to emphasize his message, “we must help the weak”. He knew the benefit (the blessing) of giving.

If you were to take inventory of how many gifts you received in the last year vs. how many you gave, what would you see? It’s good for us to give.

Giving Lessons for Us

It helps us seek out those in need.

  • An easy way to give is with money. You get online, find an organization and give money to it. Done. But, I believe Paul is trying to teach us the importance of helping those near us. The ones who are “weak” and needy.
  • When we step out of our comfort zone and actively seek out those in need, it does something to us. It helps us relate more to those people. They need more than just our money….they need us to give. Why not try serving someone by helping them work on their home, their yard or even buying their groceries?

It teaches us to love our neighbor.

It helps us focus on the eternal, not the earthly.

  • When we give of our time, talents and resources, we are able to see others as Jesus sees them.
  • “Giving a gift can open doors; it gives access to important people!” — Proverbs 18:16

How are we doing in this area? Is it hard for you to give to others? Why don’t you try it this week? Make a way to give a gift (once a day) to those around you.


Posted in A Word from the Pastor