The Rock Church

I Will Never Leave You!

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I Will Never Leave You! – a word by Pastor Steve McInroy from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "But, what has really comforted me through all of what’s happened (and even what’s yet to come) is knowing that God will NEVER leave me nor forsake me."

My grandson, Lewis, recently fell off some monkey bars and broke his arm. I was super excited to hear that he wanted to spend the day at our house a day or so after the accident — rather than go boating with his family. He knew he wouldn’t be able to swim with his friends and siblings; he also knew that at four years old, a whole day with grandpa and grandma could be a bunch of fun, especially with a lame arm. More than likely, there would be a movie or two (as well as treats) and of course, grandpa’s lunches are off the hook.

We ended up having a splendid day together. However, even after hours of movies and orange circus peanuts, I could tell that Lewis was ready to be back with his family. He gladly put on his shoes to leave. You see, although Lewis loves grandpa and grandma (and we love him) he knew his family would come back for him — I’m sure that comforted him.

This reminds me of God’s promise to us in His Word: “Keep your life free from the love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’” — Hebrews 13:5

We Are Not Alone

Our world is currently experiencing turmoil unlike most of us have ever experienced. It seems like our globe has broken free from its “spinny-thing” and we are rolling out the door and into a busy street. As I look at things from a historical perspective, there seem to be uncanny similarities to humanity’s mistakes in the past; we must do better and learn from previous generations. Certainly, we need to be involved in current affairs and not turn a blind eye to the injustices that plague our planet. Let’s agree to try and do better together. I believe God has a plan in all of it.

My grandson was comforted because he knew his family would be back for him. Likewise, I know God’s promise still holds true for each of us — “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” God the Creator loves His creation.

This year, I have felt alone on so many levels. Words can’t express how desperate some of 2020 has been for me. I’ve clung to my wife and family in the dark days (and of course my church family). But, what has really comforted me through all of what’s happened (and even what’s yet to come) is knowing that God will NEVER leave me nor forsake me. Whatever that looks like, I know God loves me, and I know the Lord has me.

I can almost audibly hear Him whispering into my ear, “You’re mine! I will never leave you nor forsake you.” I’m confident that if all of you listen intently, you’ll find God has the same words for you, too. He will never leave us.

Comforted yet again!


Posted in A Word from the Pastor