The Rock Church

Overcome Evil With Good

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Overcoming Evil With Good – a word by Pastor Tony D'Amico from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "when we are overcome with evil, it’s an outpouring from our hearts. The more good we are able to do in these situations means more good will overflow from our hearts."

The idea of overcoming evil with good has been on my mind lately — I’d like to share some of my thoughts with you. You know, when someone affects you in a negative way, it’s easy to spin your attitude into payback mode. You want to show those who offended (or hurt) you, that you can do the same thing to them. The easy way to deal with your enemies (real or perceived) is to bash, abuse, sue and slander them. You want to avenge the evil they have inflicted on you. But, the Bible is clear that this isn’t the way…

Now, I do understand there are nuances to this — there are certain scenarios in which justice here on earth needs to be served. The government has given us laws we need to follow and that’s good. In addition to following those laws, there is some remarkable advice Paul gives us (Romans 12:17-21) in regard to how we should respond (as Christians) to evil in our lives. Three points stand out to me:

Live in Peace

First, we need to live in peace, “so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” If someone commits an offense against you, how do you handle it? For example, what do you do when you get cut off while driving? Or if someone is checking out at the store with 100 items in the checkout aisle for 15 items or less? What if someone offends you at work? The list goes on, doesn’t it?

How do you respond? Do you react in peace or do you fly off the handle, believe the worst, internalize it and let it ruin your day? We need to look for ways to live in peace. Perhaps the person in the car had a screaming child in the back seat and was a bit frantic? Maybe the person at the checkout didn’t notice the limit sign? Maybe your co-worker was just having a bad day?

Additional Verses: 1 Peter 3:8-18, 1 Peter 2:21-24

Vengeance is the Lord’s

Further, it’s very clear… don’t take matters into your own hands. “Vengeance is mine… says the Lord.” We should do the opposite of how we feel and instead, feed our enemy when they are hungry and give them something to drink. It’s like putting burning coals on their head. We need to turn from anger to peace. Let the Lord deal with these people and situations.

Additional Verses: Deuteronomy 32:35,41, 1 Thessalonians 4:6

Overcome Evil with Good

Lastly, when we are overcome with evil, it’s an outpouring from our hearts. The more good we are able to do in these situations means more good will overflow from our hearts. When we are hurt, confused or angry, we need to overcome the evil with good. Our hearts will change for the better.

Additional Verses: Matthew 5:43-48, Proverbs 17:13

As you go about your week, learn to be proactive (not reactive) when situations arise that you don’t like. Look at the person who caused the offense and show them compassion and empathy; you never know how God can use you to turn their day around. We can be peace-makers or turn small things into large issues. Choose to live in peace, it’s good for you. It’s good for your heart. God knows that.

Learning to overcome evil with good.


Posted in A Word from the Pastor