The Rock Church

Test of Tests

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Test of Tests – a word by Pastor Steele Croswhite from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. God reminded me: “Steele, you can’t fail with me! I will always love you no matter what! I am your God, and you are my son and I delight in you."

This past week I had to take a test. It was not just any test, however. This one had been nicknamed “the test of tests”.

Let me back up. About seven years ago, I was at pastor’s conference, and was challenged and convicted by a teaching I heard. The speaker encouraged the pastors to pray about developing a skill that could be used to help others in the Church and in the world.

His point was to be the “salt and light of the world” to those around us. To “be an example of Christ” to those who need Him most. I was very motivated by that. Subsequently, a new chapter in my life began.

While examining my life, one thing was clear — I sincerely enjoyed helping people. This was especially true when it came to their spiritual growth. I love talking about Jesus. Additionally, I also like practically helping people in their everyday life.

With that in mind, over the course of the past six years, I have gone to school to get several investment and wealth management licenses. I’ve had a very part-time job using those skills to help people. It has brought me an unexpected joy to serve others in this practical way. All of this background brings me to this past week.

Taking the Test

In order to grow in these skills, I needed to take another test — “the test of tests.” For a few months, I spent any free moment I had studying, reading and taking practice tests. I even hired a tutor to be instructed twice a week.

If I’m honest, on most days I felt overwhelmed and lacked confidence in my understanding of some of the concepts. I asked the Lord for help and asked others to pray for me, too.

Finally, the time came to take the exam. It was four hours long and had 140 questions. I should also mention that a person is only allowed to take it three times and then can never take it again. The pressure was real for sure.

I had studied, I had prayed and I had prepared. As much as it depended on me, I felt like the process was honoring to God and I rested in that.

He Spoke to my Heart

All that to say, right before I read the first question on the exam, God really spoke to my heart. Pressure was mounting in my mind and even with all the time I had spent preparing, I knew I could still fail!

However, God reminded me: “Steele, you can’t fail with me! I will always love you no matter what! I am your God, and you are my son and I delight in you. And Steele, you don’t need to take a test to be with me. I sent my Son to do what you cannot do. He came to live the life you cannot live and die the death that you deserved, so that you and I can rejoice together — now and forever.”

Men and women, I was overwhelmed. I almost cried right there in the testing center, mask and all.

God is so kind to remind us that His love is free. His delighting in us is free. His home for us is free.

He Loves Us

How good of God to “take the test” for us. Only His love could be so miraculous.

For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.” — 2 Corinthians 5:21

Christian, aren’t you so glad that Jesus rejoices in you right now!? He loves you right now. I am overwhelmed at His kindness and His love! Praise Jesus for saving me.

This week, remember that God loves you. He doesn’t want you to “worry” about passing His test. He already took it for you (and it gave Him joy and glory to do so).

For those of you who are wondering…by God’s grace, I passed the test! He continues to astound me every day.

Praying for you,


Posted in A Word from the Pastor