The Rock Church

See to It

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See to It – a word by Pastor Steele Croswhite from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Everything around us is structured to give us a comfortable, wealthier or more fantastic life. Yet, with mouths wide open, we cry, “More!!"

As a church, we have been studying the robust book of Hebrews. If you’ve listened to any of the sermons, you will have noticed that Hebrews comes with a ton of encouragement. But at the same time, it also has many warnings. Consider Hebrews 3:12

See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God.”

Over the years, I have found that this “turning away from God” isn’t always sudden. In my experience of following Jesus (for the better part of my life) I have found that it certainly CAN BE sudden. It can be something devastating to our life of faith, like adultery or addiction. 

More often than not, however, a falling away comes more in the form of apathy or indifference. In many ways, it comes from comfort, or subtle distractions. As a result, these distractions or comforts become habits. Then these habits become lifestyles; it follows that these lifestyles become fruitless.

Look at these verses found in Hosea 13:4-6:

“But I have been the Lord your God
  ever since you came out of Egypt.
You shall acknowledge no God but me,
  no Savior except me.
I cared for you in the wilderness,
in the land of burning heat.
When I fed them, they were satisfied;
  when they were satisfied, they became proud;
  then they forgot me.

So Much Abundance

Christian, we have so much abundance. We have so much comfort that it’s almost impossible NOT to forget God. Entertainment is pumped into our homes, groceries are delivered to our doorsteps and computers are in the palms of our hands. Most of us live in homes with multiple bathrooms and televisions. We have garages filled with appliances, cars and toys. Slow down and look at the abundance you have. The fact is, since you live in the U.S., you are among the richest people groups on earth. Everything around us is structured to give us a comfortable, wealthier or more fantastic life. Yet, with mouths wide open, we cry, “More!! More!!”

This is not to shame us. I am not the one to make us feel guilty for the life that we have, what we have worked for, or what we have been born into. I, too, have lived a very charmed life. But, there is a warning against forgetting God in the midst of all of our blessings and comforts. These comforts can so quickly turn into lifestyles where our eyes are only on what we want, what makes us more comfortable, brings us more wealth or gives us more pleasure. Amidst our grumbling, we want still more. 

Use it for Him

A life like that can lead to apathy against Jesus. Why would I go to church? I’d rather go out to eat. Why would I go to Small Group? I’d rather watch the game. Why would I read my Bible? I need to keep an eye on the market. Why would I pray? I need some time for myself. 

Jesus has called us to forsake the world and follow Him. This doesn’t mean we resent our blessings or comforts. Rather, we use them for the Kingdom of God. Christians ought to be the most generous, joy-filled, determined, hospitable and gracious people on earth. Who Jesus is, and what He has done for us, nearly demands this type of response from us. 

A faith-filled, fruitful Christian sees their abundance as a reason to live MORE for Christ, not less. 

A fruitful Christian “sees to it” – like Hebrews says.

With you,


Posted in A Word from the Pastor