The Rock Church

The Word is a Spectacular Gift

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The Word is a Spectacular Gift – a word by Pastor Caleb Yetton from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "I can quickly take for granted what a spectacular gift I have in unfettered access to the Bible. I have always had multiple copies"

The Rock Pastors recently visited the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C. (with 50 other leaders from the M28 Alliance). This massive museum was full of enlightening insights about the Word of God. It was a very encouraging couple of days; we saw the incredible impact the Bible has had on our world’s history.

During a museum tour, I heard something that impacted me. Throughout history, countless faithful Christians never held a Bible in their hands. Owning a Bible was not expected or viable for centuries (due to exorbitant cost, the churches’ guarded actions, or a genuine risk). Since the Reformation, the printing press, and tireless work by Bible translators (in the last couple hundred years), access to God’s Word has become commonplace. 

Because of these historical achievements and the tireless sacrifice of faithful saints, I can regularly read the Bible. I am so thankful for that. Additionally, (from my time in D.C.), I was struck with a few more thoughts to share with you. 

Don’t Take it For Granted

I can quickly take for granted what a spectacular gift I have in unfettered access to the Bible. I have always had multiple copies of the Bible on my bookshelf. In the last near-decade, I carried it in my pocket on my smartphone. This opportunity is not normal. If we believe otherwise, we’re deceived.

For centuries, saints did not have access to a Bible they could hold, carry, or easily read whenever they wanted. Extraordinary people have gone to great lengths to make this possible in Western culture today. I know I take it for granted. There are still plenty of cultures and languages that don’t have a Bible translation.

We cannot and should not take it lightly that we have 24-7 access to read, study, skim, and even carry the Word of God with us. 

Living in Light of the Word

My conviction about this led me to another thought. Merely reading our Bible is not a barometer of our faithfulness in the Christian life. We should absolutely take full advantage of this treasure trove. We certainly have it at our fingertips at all times. However, just because we read the Bible (and know what it says) doesn’t mean we obey it. 

For countless years, faithful brothers and sisters in Christ could not read the Bible daily. Yet, they displayed faith and commitment to God (and His Word) by living according to the Holy Scripture. They were committed to being taught out of the Bible at church. They listened intently to the teachings from the Bible. And they sought to obey and display it in their everyday life. 

It is not the act and “work” of reading the Bible that shows faithfulness as Christians. It is the heart’s desire to honor God and be led by the Holy Spirit to do what is good. We should want “to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8). Our goal is to love God with all our hearts and love our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:30-31). We want to be faithful to the Word, not just read it as a matter of “works”.

Reflecting on these two thoughts, I am both convicted and encouraged. I’ve taken for granted what so many people have longed for. But, I’m encouraged that it is not just the physical Bible we have access to. We have access to the God who inspired the Book. We can read about Him, know Him, and meditate on His precepts daily. What a spectacular gift that is. 



Posted in A Word from the Pastor