The Rock Church

20/20 Vision

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20/20 Vision – a word by Pastor Steele Croswhite from The Rock Church in Draper, Utah. "clarity, joy, and purpose that only He can bring. Pray to Him, offer away — you’re about to live a life of 20/20 vision."

“O Lord, I give my life to you.” — Psalm 25:1

This is undoubtedly the most profound prayer of my heart. It’s a simple little sentence found at the top of Psalm 25 — “O Lord, I give my life to you.”

Christian, is there anyone (or anything) more wonderful, more powerful, more satisfying than Jesus to give our lives to?

As I write this, I am reflecting a bit on my life. It has been a long several weeks of ministry. I’m currently drinking coffee on the front porch of my in-law’s house in Washington. I hear my oldest son playing piano and my daughter laughing inside their home. While my wife chats, my youngest son pretends that a stuffed animal is a warrior bird named Desmond. Of course, it’s impossible not to smile.

I have a life filled with the kind of glory that can only come from Jesus. Not the glory of man. That simply burns like a firecracker and puffs into smoke. Oh, no, it’s the warmth and glory of a slow-burning fire that warms, crackles, and pops with passionate life. Jesus has undeniably blessed my little life with purpose, goodness, joy, and heart-bursting laughter.

Indeed, times have come and gone that have been painful. In the last 20 years, there have been times of grief, loss, and suffering. However, I have given my life to Jesus, and He has always sustained, carried, and lifted me upon The Rock.

Again I ponder, is there anyone (or anything) more wonderful, more powerful, or more satisfying than Jesus to give our lives to? Christian, have you (like David) “given your life” to Jesus? Not just some of your worries or your prayers. Have you said, “Take all of me, take my whole life?”

Walking With Focus

To be in the Master’s hands is a little like seeing with 20/20 vision. Those of you who have corrective lenses understand exactly what I mean.

I’ll often take out my contacts to rest my eyes. As a result, I see everything a bit fuzzy. Sure, I might run into a plant or couch because I only see shapes and blends of blurry color. It’s a bit disorienting. It’s also pretty disappointing to miss the details that clarity brings.

Oh, but after I put my glasses back on, life bursts into focus. I can finally see, walk, and confidently settle into the pathway.

Giving our whole life to Jesus is something like this. Nothing quite makes sense without Him. Sure, we can “see” a little. But, at best, it’s disappointing, fuzzy, and certainly lacking clarity.

Christian, give your whole life to Him. In fact, ask Him to take all of you. And then He will set your life ablaze with the clarity, joy, and purpose that only He can bring. Pray to Him, offer away — you’re about to live a life of 20/20 vision.

Offering with you,


Posted in A Word from the Pastor