The Rock Church

Grace Rules!

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Grace Rules! – a word by Pastor Steve McInroy from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "... clarified how to live and discern right from wrong. Admittedly, you might even call it a love letter (in the form of rules) ..."

Being told what to do seems acceptable (and popular). Sometimes I just want someone to tell me what to do or show me how to do it. YouTube (and many other social media avenues) provide countless how-to videos. Without looking too far, you can quickly learn how to fix your hair, car, appliances, relationships, and phone. Additionally, you can learn to sing, ski, jump on a pogo stick, swim, speak a foreign language, and exercise. And the list certainly goes on…

You see, we are prone to want to live by rules or guidelines. Generally, we like to work at things, or at least some of us do. God surely knows this about us; in the Old Testament times, we see that the Law was given to humans by our Lord. Rules, if you will, that helped people live a godly life that honored our Creator. 

In other words, The Ten Commandments clarified how to live and discern right from wrong. Admittedly, you might even call it a love letter (in the form of rules) to keep people from harm. That is, to protect us from ourselves. It’s our perfect Father’s Law. Yet, we are not perfect, and we sin. (Which, by the way, is an old archery term meaning to “miss the mark.”) We break the law (or miss the mark) our Creator has set in place for us. This always comes with consequences.

So Thankful for Jesus

Let me ask you, “Have you ever broken any of the Ten Commandments? Have you ever lied, stolen, dishonored your parents, or committed adultery? Maybe just in your thoughts?” Need I go over all of them? Simply put, we are imperfect and sin against a Holy God.

The Bible clearly states that the wages of our sin is death, and what we earn (and deserve) for sinning against God is death. Gulp! So, if God judged you (according to the Law of the Ten Commandments), would you be guilty or innocent? Me, too! Undeniably, guilty as charged. Down comes the gavel like a sledgehammer on a bug.  

I’m forever thankful God gave us Jesus. He unquestionably knew we needed help. In His divine plan, Grace overtook the Law. Most importantly, Jesus paid the penalty we could not pay. Some call it the Great Exchange. His life for our sins. Forgiveness in the form of Grace. Read this,

”So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and will find grace to help us when we need it most.” — Hebrews 4:16 (NLT)

Amen! We need it right now and always. Come boldly to the throne — Grace rules.


Posted in A Word from the Pastor