The Rock Church

Forgiven By A Friend

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Forgiven By A Friend – a word by Pastor Billy Johnson from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Peter was in Jesus’ inner circle. I’m sure he would have considered Jesus his best friend. And yet, right there, Peter denied Jesus."

“The servant girl at the door said to Peter, ‘You also are not one of this man’s disciples, are you?’ He said, ‘I am not.’” — John 18:17

Imagine how disappointed in himself Peter must have been the second those words left his lips.

It was Peter’s first denial. He had been incredibly close to Jesus for three years. They’d spent time together eating and camping. He’d also seen Jesus heal people and cast out demons. He saw Jesus’ glory on top of the mountain. Peter was undoubtedly in Jesus’ inner circle. I’m sure he would have considered Jesus his best friend. And yet, right there, Peter denied Jesus. He tried to disassociate himself from Him for the first time since they’d met.

It’s easy (at least in my mind) to read this story and think, “Ouch, Peter just denied Jesus.” But I believe it’s more than just that. Imagine if this was your best friend, and you were in the scenario. Maybe it’s your husband or wife. Without a doubt, it’s the person you care about more than anyone else in this world. Think about refusing to be associated with or completely disowning someone who is that important to you. The turmoil inside your soul would be unbelievable. Can you feel it? Peter denied Jesus like that three times.

Nothing Can Separate Us

Thankfully, Jesus beautifully redeemed Peter and gave him a chance to take it all back. He later fed Peter breakfast around a fire. The very setting as the night of his denials. Shortly after, Jesus asked Peter three times, “Peter, do you love me?” And Peter answered His God and best friend three times, “You know I love you, Jesus.”

One of the many incredible things about God is His forgiveness. When we sin against Him, He definitely gives us the grace to have contrite and repentant hearts. He frequently reminds us throughout His Word that He is our God, and we are His people. Along with that, He tells us that He is quick to forgive us. God always redeems us as he did with Peter (and countless others before and after him). He does this for His glory and His name’s sake. Nothing can ever separate us from His love because His glory matters to Him.

“A broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.” — Psalm 51:17

Thankful for His grace,


Posted in A Word from the Pastor