The Rock Church

Tag Archive: Holy Spirit

  1. Inner Transformation and Mind Renewal

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    Inner Transformation and Mind Renewal — a word by Pastor Tony D'Amico from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "It’s an invitation to undergo a continual process of transformation. One that aligns our thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors with God’s will."

    I recently read some New Testament verses that resonated with me deeply. Their powerful message centered around how we live as Christians. Although distinct in context, they were also intertwined. In this case, they offered me a transformative perspective on faith, purity, and the renewal of the mind. Let me explain.

    In Mark 7:15, Jesus spoke about how we can act to ensure we appear perfect on the outside. Yet He said the external isn’t the issue. “Nothing outside a person can defile them by going into them. Rather, it is what comes out of a person that defiles them.” His words cut the religious traditions of His day to the core and challenged the norms. They were religious norms which heavily emphasized external purity laws and rituals. Everything had to do with the outward appearance.


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  2. Home

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    With a heavy and thankful heart, I took a final, sweeping glance around the place my family and I had called home for the last eleven years. Then I locked the door and drove away. 

    As I did, memories flooded through me. I thought of bringing my two youngest daughters home from the hospital as newborns. And then, there were all the Christmas, birthday, and Thanksgiving dinners with friends and family. Another was the treasure map I made to look old and “hid” in the attic where my son could find it. Along with that came the cloth bag of quarters he dug up in the backyard. So. Many. Memories. 


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  3. What Would Your Nickname Be?

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    To Be or Not To Be — a word by Pastor Billy Johnson from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. “What do you want to be known for?” We’ve all heard of “to-do” lists, but how many of us have a “to-be” list?

    The dads in our amazing Youth Group teach each week’s lessons. This year, they’ve been covering several character sketches of men and women from the Bible. We’ve learned about both good and bad character from them.

    In turn, I taught on the character of Barnabas. I’ll ask you the same question I asked the youth and their parents.

    “Based on what those around you know about you and see in your life, what would your nickname be? What are you known for?”


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  4. “My” Gospel??

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    “My” Gospel?? – a word by Pastor Caleb Yetton from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. “God’s gospel” or “the Gospel of Jesus,” the Apostle Paul said, “my gospel.” This has naturally confused some people as they first read it."

    In Romans 2:16, rather than say “God’s gospel” or “the Gospel of Jesus,” the Apostle Paul said, “my gospel.” This has naturally confused some people as they first read it.

    Throughout Paul’s many epistles, he writes the phrase “my gospel.” Additionally, he also notes “the Gospel of God” numerous times — including in Romans 1:1. In that verse, Paul said He was an Apostle of the Gospel of God.


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  5. Right Here, Right Now

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    Right Here, Right Now – a word by Pastor Billy Johnson from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "God (in His infinite wisdom) determined to put you and me right here, right now. We are to glorify and enjoy Him. He also prepared good works"

    Do you realize that God could have chosen any time in history for you to live? Not only that, but He could have placed you in any geographical location to live your days. However, in His perfect sovereignty, He chose to put you right here, right now, for a specific reason.

    In Acts 17:26 (ESV), Paul tells the deep-thinking Greeks that God “made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place.”


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  6. Divine Appointments

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    Divine Appointments – A word by Pastor Josh Whitney from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Certainly, we can be like Philip the Evangelist. Let’s explain the Gospel to people (put down our phones) and look for divine appointments."

    “And the Spirit said to Philip, “Go over and join this chariot.” So Philip ran to him and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet and asked, “Do you understand what you are reading?” And he said, “How can I, unless someone guides me?” And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.” — Acts 8:29-31

    Last year, I took my family to a popular ice cream shop in Logan. The store was particularly busy, and the line snaked out of the shop. I grabbed a bench outside, and Krista and the kids got in line. As I sat, I noticed another dad claim a nearby seat as his family also got in line.


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  7. Memorize It

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    Memorize It – a word by Pastor Billy Johnson from The Rock Church in Draper, UT. "Undeniably, there are so many Bible verses that could help us in our daily lives… if we just spent a little time trying to memorize them."

    “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” — Psalm 119:11

    Over the last few months, I’ve helped my kids memorize the Ten Commandments and the Apostles’ Creed. I tried to mix it up so it wasn’t mechanical and repetitive; I wanted to make it fun for them. I’ve been amazed by how quickly and easily they’ve memorized both of them! It was a testament to how much the human mind can absorb (and retain) when we have the goal of memorizing. In fact, I know people who have memorized whole chapters (and even books) of the Bible! They read it out loud over and over. They remember little bits at a time until they reach their goal.


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  8. Perfectly Orchestrated

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    The Right Place at the Right Time – a word by Pastor Billy Johnson from The Rock Church in Draper Utah. "Your family, job, friends, neighbors and classmates — all of your relationships, were orchestrated by God. He has them right here, right now."

    I’m fascinated by the story about Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:26-40). An angel directed Philip to a certain road and chariot (that was passing by). One of the Ethiopian Queen’s court officials was in the chariot. He had returned from worship in Jerusalem. While he rode, he read the scroll of Isaiah out loud. 

    Philip ran to him and asked, “Do you understand what you’re reading?” The official replied, “How can I, unless someone guides me?” He invited Philip to sit with him. Philip then explained the Good News of Jesus Christ. The official saw some water and wanted to get baptized. As soon as Philip baptized him, the Bible tells us, “the Spirit of the Lord carried Philip away, and the eunuch saw him no more, and went on his way rejoicing.”


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